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Avrupa Karaciğer Hasta Dernekleri Birliği (European Liver Patients Association - ELPA), kuruluşunun üzerinden henüz bir yılı geçmeyen HEPYAŞAM (Hepatitle Yaşam Hasta ve Hasta Yakınları Derneği) Derneği’ni üyeliğe kabul etti.


Amsterdam’daki Dünya Karaciğer Kongresi sırasında yapılan ELPA Yıllık Genel Toplantısında, HEPYAŞAM Başkanı Dr. Hilal Ünalmış Duda’nın yaptığı tanıtma sunumunun ardından, HEPYAŞAM’ın diğer sekiz dernek ile birlikte ELPA üyeliğine alınması oybirliği ile kabul edildi.


Böylece, ELPA’nın üye sayısı 21’den 30’a yükseldi.


HEPYAŞAM, Türkiye’yi temsil eden tek dernek oldu.


ELPA’nın, HEPYAŞAM’ın üyeliğe kabul edildiğini belirten açıklaması şöyle :


ELPA Annual General Meeting 2013 in Amsterdam - ELPA welcomed 9 new members

2013-05-03 12:19


The entire membership of ELPA gathered in Amsterdam on 25th April to attend the Annual General Meeting of our organization. We were proud to see our entire membership at the meeting, but also we were very happy to welcome 9 national associations wishing to becomem members of ELPA.

The General meeting was hel on 25th April, 17:00 -20:30 at Hall 2 of RAI Conventions Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We continued the tradition of holding our Annual General Meeting in conjunction with Annual International Liver Congresses organized by EASL. This gave to our members and invited potential members a very valuable opportunity to find themselves in the center of the Hepatology world for a few days.

Besides covering topics essential to the running of our organization, at the AGM we gave to 9 invited candidate associations an opportunity to present their work to the General Assembly of ELPA.

We proudly anounce that the General Assembly has voted and all 9 associations became full members of ELPA. ELPA went from umbrella associations with 21 members to 30 members, and still planning to expand and further our network in 2014.

The new members are:

1) Hellenic Liver Patients Association “Prometheus” (Greece)

2) Hepta (FYR Macedonia)

3) Hepar-Centar Bitola (FYR Macedonia)

4) Hepatitis Life Patients’ Association (Turkey)

5) Finnish Liver and Kidney Association (Finland)

6) Star of Hope Foundation (Poland)

7) PBC Foundation (UK)

8) Lithuanian Infectious Diseases Patients Association LIDPA (Lithuania)

9) Dutch Liver Patients Association NLV (The Netherlands)